Dear Class of 2020,

This was the first time in days I actually felt happy. Just hanging out with my friends, chilling, not worrying about the future, cracking jokes, watching them play the ridiculously rigged games at the carnival, and dancing like no one was watching. I don’t know what’s going to happen when I go to university, but I know I’m going to miss each and everyone of you. Even the people I’m not super close to. That’s what makes us the class of 2020.

Every laugh, every cheer, every cry, every single day of high school—it all meant something because of all of you. I’m going to miss you all so much. I’ve realized that nothing just comes to you—you have to make it happen. Not once during our school carnival yesterday did I wish to be with anyone else. I didn’t want to be with the friends I’ve known for 10 years or with my family. All I wanted was to be there with you guys.

Every silly thing we did lasted a week before we moved on to the next thing that had us laughing until we lost our minds. Thank you to every single person in this class for making it unforgettable. I wouldn’t have these memories without you. I had some of the wildest nights, some of the most questionable classes, and yeah, they scared the living shit out of me. But my friends were always there, helping with homework, cheering me on, and reminding me that I’m worthy. They say we change when we grow up, but honestly, I wouldn’t want anything more than what we have right now.

Thank you.


The joys of being BOLD?

